Pajau Media Channel
June 20, 2024
Residents of several villages in Waingmaw Township, including Wu Yan, Mading, Hkakum, Lamyang, Muk Chyik, Nam Wa, and Labang, are facing a dire situation as the Wu Yang Militia checkpoint, overseen by the Military Council, has restricted passage since June. 19th. This blockade has left numerous civilians stranded amid intensifying fighting in the region.
The ongoing conflict, marked by recent clashes near Lamyang Village, has prompted the majority of villagers to flee for the second time in just over a month, seeking refuge from the violence. Those unable to leave include elderly and disabled individuals, along with farmers awaiting an opportunity to sow their rice fields.
"We're stuck here due to continuous rain and flooding, unable to plant our crops," shared a resident from Muk Chyik village with Pajau Media. "Only a handful of us, mostly elderly and disabled, remain. Attempts to escape via Gwi Htu Road have proven challenging, with transportation scarce and the road's condition uncertain."
Yesterday, heightened combat near Lamyang Village forced fleeing residents to turn back at the Wu Yan checkpoint, compounding their isolation. With battles intensifying since June 17th when KIA joint forces engaged Military Council troops near Lamyang, casualties among the military ranks have been reported, including the loss of a platoon commander and ten soldiers.
The situation remains precarious for those stranded, as efforts to reach safety continue amid the escalating conflict in Waingmaw Township.