Pajau Media Channel
15th August, 2024

As the rainy season has arrived, there were many people suffering Malaria and Dangue fever in Kachin State. Therefore, as reported by the evacuees from Nawng Hkying IDP camp, there are also many Malaria and Dengue fever patients in the IDP camp within these days.
It is known that the diseases are spread due to the narrow spaces of the camp and the large amount of people who are residing in the camp. In addition, the diseases are spreading one person to another through the crowds in the IDP camp.
According to an evacuee from the Nawng Hkying IDP camp, “As there are a massive crowd of people residing in the camp, the diseases are spreading very fast. We don’t have sufficient medical supplies, so it is not cured well. There are also medical assistances supporting by the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC). But I don’t know why people are sick again and again, even though they’ve already suffered once.”
Most of the patients who are currently getting medical treatment at hospital are the seasonal Malaria and Dengue fever patients. In addition, all of the patients are the people who are catching diseases from their family member.