Pajau Media Channel
12th August, 2024

It is stated that the unidentified armed group were firing gun and interrogating the civilians at 11:30 AM in August 11st in Myitkyina, Kachin State.
The unidentified armed people in civilian clothes and bullet proof jacket came with two cars at a new bar which is currently on the construction process and doesn’t even have name yet, in Tatkone Htoi San Ward Myitkyina. In addition, 10 construction workers were kneed down and put their hands on their heads and were interrogated by the armed forces. It is also known that the armed group fired gun more than 5 times.
According to a local resident, “there were more than 10 people who were kneed down and interrogated. I think, there were also the owner of the bar. The rain was pouring heavily at that time. All of the armed people were in bullet proof vests.”
As reported by the local residents, the reasons of firing guns and interrogating were not yet known. And it is also mentioned that the armed group took some of the people, but Pajau Media can’t be confirmed yet.
Similarly, it is also known that, in 2023 there were also a case that the unidentified armed-group came and arrested the people in the Enrich Bar which is located on the Shwe Lan Ma Street in Tatkone Ward.