Pajau Media Channel
19th August, 2024

As reported by the local resident, the evacuees residing in Hkanan IDP camp who were evacuated from Wuyan village, Waingmaw Township due to the armed clashes which took place in Waingmaw township, Kachin State are in dire need of foods and medical supplies.
There are elders, breastfeeding women and children among the evacuees and it is known that they are urgently requiring nutritious foods and medical supplies.
It is stated that, as the rainy season has arrived, the rate of evacuees who are suffering diarrhea, malaria and dengue fever are increasing due to the utilization of unpurified water.
As said by the evacuees from the IDP camp, the evacuees brough foods including rice with them when they evacuated from their hometown. However, as it has been 3 months since they have evacuated, the foods which they brough with them are running out.
As a consequence, it is further learned that the Hkanan IDP camp, where 900 of evacuees currently residing in it, is facing shortage of food and they are in dire need of emergency helps and they are also urgently requiring medical supplies due to the increase of diarrhea, malaria and dengue fever patients in the IDP camp.
It is also known that the IDPs mentioned above are the IDPs who evacuated to safety since April 7th due to the intensified armed clashes between the KIA/KPDF joint forces and the SAC forces.