Pajau Media Channel

It is reported that the military situation between the KIA joint forces and SAC forces is still escalating in Momauk region, Kachin State. In addition, the SAC forces shelled bombs more than two times with aircrafts approximately at 5 AM on September 10.
The KIA joint forces seized the SAC’s 437th Infantry Battalion Camp which is based in Momauk region on August 19th. In addition, 5 days later, the SAC forces marched in columns to Momauk region and started attacking offensively against the KIA forces. It is also said that the SAC forces have been shelling bombs with drones.
Currently, the clashes are taking place intensively near Momauk region, 5-miles/ 6-miles/ 7-miles of Bhamo and near Kawng Ja Yang village which is situated near Mansi village.
Moreover, the armed-clashes between the KIA joint forces and the SAC forces are still occurring in the KIA No (9) brigade, No (6) battalion area which is located in Seng Tawng village, Hpakant region. It is also reported that 4 civilians were injured due to the heavy artillery shells which fired indiscriminately from the SAC’s Hpakant military base on September 10.
Among aforementioned injured civilians, the two are from Sabaw village and the other two are from Ngwe Pyaw ward. It is also said that there were some civilians who were killed by the heavy artillery. However, it is difficult to confirm the detailed information of the deceased by Pajau Media due to the current communication cut off in Hpakant.
Furthermore, the clashes between the two forces are still escalating in Momauk region, Mansi region and Seng Tawng region at the present. As reported by the local residents, the sounds of guns fire have been heard continuously in Pang Wa, which is known as the Special Region (1), where the clashes started on September 11.