Pajau Media Channel
15th August, 2024

As reported by the local residents, the houses of Mansi locals who evacuated to safety due to the military tension between Kachin Independent Army (KIA) and SAC forces, are burgled and the properties are stolen by the drug users.
It is said that the drug users are picking the lock and burgling the houses of the local residents while the locals are evacuating to safety, and they are taking not only precious things from the houses but also clothes, foods and the stuffs that they want to take in Mansi Town.
The local residents of Mansi Town left their homes and evacuated to safety since July 24th due to the intensified armed clashes between the Kachin Independent Army (KIA) and SAC forces which are stationed at Bhamo and Momauk district.
It is known that the local residents of Mansi are currently residing in Hkapra village, Lai Law village, Bum Kahtawng village and Manweing village.
In addition, it is also stated that the related officials from Mansi are not allowed Mansi locals to return to their homes due to the current escalating armed tension between the two armed-forces.