Pajau Media Channel
11th September, 2024

As reported by the local residents, even though the highway to Putao reopened and the mini cars which carry goods are entering to Putao region, the prices of basic foods and commodities are still rising.
According to a local resident, “the mini cars which carry goods enter Putao every day. But the goods’ prices are still skyrocketing. Only the prices of gasoline and diesel have decreased a bit and the rest of the goods are still skyrocketing in price. The prices of gasoline and diesel have decreased to 15,000 kyats per liter. It rose to 45,000 kyats per liter and a jerry can of gasoline rose to nearly 3,000,000 kyats before. Although the price of fuel has decreased, the prices of commodities such as rice, cooking oil and salt haven’t decreased yet. A woven sack of rice cost at least 250,000 kyats and 3 pieces of eggs cost 5,000 kyats.”
It is known that the Myitkyina-Sumpra Bum-Putao highway had been closed for 3 months due to the rough weather condition in the region and it opened in the beginning of September. Since then, the mini cars which carry goods and passengers have started entering into the region.
In addition, the motive behind the skyrocketing prices in Putao which haven’t decreased although there are goods’ vehicle entry in the region, are due to the rough road, the high taxes which have been collected along the road and the rising prices of goods in the Myitkyina region.
It is also stated that the damaged bridges which are situated along the Putao-Myitkyina highway have not been repaired well yet. Therefore, the cargo trucks are not able to travel to Putao due to the unrepaired road. Additionally, some goods which enter the Putao region are being carried by flight at the present time.