Pajau Media Channel
21st August, 2024

The prices of the goods in Myitkyina have reported to be skyrocketed after 5 days the closure of Myitkyina-Mandalay Pyidaungsu highway and the locals with low income are struggling under the rising prices of the goods.
At present, the prices of basic food items, such as rice, salt, oil, onion, etc., have risen doubled. The daily paid local residents have reported to face problems under insufficient foods to consume for their families.
As reported by a person who work as a daily paid worker for the family’s livelihood, “Before the current rising prices of the goods, my family could able to survive with my daily income. Now, it is difficult for us to have even a meal with my income. As it is rainy season, there aren’t much places to work as a daily paid worker.”
It is noteworthy that the incomes of daily paid workers have set between 10,000 kyats to 15,000 kyats in Myitkyina within these days.
As a result of the Myitkyina-Mandalay highway closure, the sack of rice has risen to 150,000 kyats, the 30 pcs of eggs have risen to 20,000 kyats, a viss of fish has risen to 35,000 kyats, a viss of beef has risen to 25,000 kyats, a viss of garlic has risen to 16,000 kyats, a viss of cooking oil has risen to 20,000 kyats and a bar of toothpaste has risen to 9,000 kyats. In addition, fish and other food items are started to out of stock in the market and there is only sturgeon fish which is shipped through the aircraft can be able to buy in the market with high price.
Similarly, the prices of gasoline have risen from 6500 kyats to 6850 kyats per liter at the gas service station and at the fuel shops from the roadside have risen from 7100 kyats to 7500 kyats due to the blocked of the fuel trucks. In addition, even though the set price of gold bark by the Yangon Gold Entrepreneurs Association is 48,000,000 kyats, the current selling prices of gold bark in the market has risen to 74,000,000 kyats.
The local residents including daily paid workers are struggling under the current skyrocketing prices of the goods as well as limited phone and internet communications due to the political instability. To worsen the situation, the Myitkyina-Mandalay highway has been closed by the SAC since August 17th.