Pajau Media
13th November, 2024

General Naw Bu, responsible for KIO information, confirmed that the KIA joint forces successfully captured the Lang Sel militia region near the Chinese border, where U Tang Gutan's militia had been positioned, on November 10th. It has also been reported that the KIA was able to secure the area without encountering any resistance, as the militia forces withdrew prior to the entry of the KIA joint forces.
The Lang Sel region is noted for its significant gold production and serves as a location where numerous young individuals from the Putao region engage in gold mining activities.

U Tang Gutan, a militia leader serving as a border guard in the Putao region, also released a written statement in October aimed at enhancing security in the Lang Sel area. Subsequently, a month later, the KIA joint force launched an attack and successfully seized control of the region.
The Lang Sel area is recognized as the location where the militia forces led by U Zahkung Ting Ying from Kachin Special Region (1) and the militia forces of U Tang Gutan, based in Khao Lan Phu, are collaboratively stationed.
Currently, the combined forces of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) have captured nearly all of the border regions, accounting for approximately 90%. Reports indicate that the only area remaining for the KIA to take control of is the Kanpaik Ti region.
When the KIA joint forces persistently launched assaults and took control of the border region, certain members of the Border Guard Militia chose to surrender. Furthermore, on November 4th, over a hundred militia personnel capitulated, resulting in the unopposed capture of Kant Phant village.