Pajau Media Channel
10th August, 2024

As reported by a passenger car driver, the current unstable political situation in Kachin State leads to face difficulty in phone communication and it makes the price of journey from Myitkyina to Pangwa doubled, as well.
In the previous years, the price of journey from Myitkyina to Pangwa costs between 100,000 ks and 200,000 ks, nevertheless the price of the journey has skyrocketed during this year.
Normally it is the period, when workers approximately not only from Kachin State also from the other areas came to Pangwa and looked for job opportunity.
However, due to the phone signals and internet cut off, the job agencies from Pangwa are not able to look job for the workers.
Most of the workers who came and worked at Pangwa were the people who lost their jobs and who have less incomes due to the current unstable political situation and skyrocketing prices of the goods.
In addition, it is reported that the SAC forces only allowed to pass the cargo trucks and passenger cars which are coming from Pangwa at the checkpoint.