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The Information That The Tutors Were To Transfer Forcibly From Myitkyina University To The Clashes Free States/Cities By The Relevant Officials Was Nothing But A Rumor

Writer: Pajau MediaPajau Media

Pajau Media Channel

22nd August, 2024

As enquired by the Pajau Media, the news which spread in Myitkyina during these days, that the tutors from Myitkyina University will be transferred to the universities, which couldn’t open due to the lack of tutors as a consequence of tutors who joined CDM, was a rumor.

The news which spread among the university students and the public was, the tutors who are currently tutoring in the Myitkyina University are ordered to transfer by the authorities to the universities which couldn’t open due to the lack of tutors as a consequence of tutors who joined Civil Disobedient Movement.

According to a tutor from Myitkyina University, “The information about the transfer of the tutors is not true. But there are numerous tutors who summitted the request letters for transferring to the other universities due to the possibility of the launching armed-conflict in the Myitkyina City. It is not true that the relevant authorities ordered the tutors from the Myitkyina University to transfer.”

In addition, as enquired by the Pajau Media, the forcibly transfers of the tutors from Myitkyina University is not true, on the other hand there is a case that many tutors from Myitkyina University are reported to summit their request letters for transferring to the relevant Education Department where there are less armed conflicts.

Since July 21st, after all the communication devices were cut off and the people in Kachin State had a news blackout, the rumors are stated spreading in the neighborhoods such as, the town-seizure armed-conflict is going to get started after the month October of 2024 and the governmental office staffs who are living nearby the military camps are ordered to transfer.


Pajau Media

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