Pajau Media Channel
16th May, 2024
Local residents report that evacuees fleeing the skirmishes are still blocked at the in and out roads of Bhamo Town by the SAC.
According to an evacuee who fled to Bhamo Town, “Currently, the SAC is not allowing evacuees to pass through the main road, but they are permitted to use jungle paths. However, they said that if skirmishes occur in the meantime, they will not take any responsibility. Maybe they are talking about human shields.”
As a result of the KIA’s offensive that started on March 7, local residents along the Myitkyina-Bhamo highway are fleeing to Bhamo Town. Additionally, the roads leading to Bhamo Town have been closed due to intensive skirmishes in Momauk and Mansi, near Bhamo Town, since May 7th.
The SAC has blocked the in and out roads of Bhamo since May 7th. Although the paths through the jungle are allowed, locals are worried about their security because it is a long journey through the jungle. Furthermore, the sounds of heavy artillery are heard almost daily in Bhamo.
The skirmishes remain tense in Bhamo, and the SAC has cut off all MPT, ATOM, and Ooredoo phone operators. Areas where the skirmishes are intense are being bombarded daily by the SAC’s aircraft.
Local residents report that only Mytel SIM cards and Mytel Wi-Fi can be used in Bhamo, while the rest of the operators have been cut off for almost three days.