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The IDPs From Daw Hpum Yang, Who Have Been Displaced For Nearly Seven Months, Are In Urgent Need Of Essential Food And Medical Supplies

Writer: Pajau MediaPajau Media

Pajau Media

7th October, 2024

A female evacuee has reported that the inhabitants of Momauk Township, who have sought refuge in the Daw Hpum Yang and Num Lang IDP camps, are facing significant shortages of food and assistance as a result of the extended duration of the conflicts. Furthermore, there is an urgent need for essential food and medical supplies for both children and the elderly within the IDP camps.

“As we began our evacuation to the IDP camps, the officials provided us with rice, oil, salt, and chickpeas. However, as more internally displaced persons arrived at the camp, the supplies ceased. Consequently, if the evacuation process extends, it becomes increasingly challenging for us to secure daily food,” stated the evacuee mentioned above.

The ongoing armed confrontations between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the State Administration Council (SAC) forces have resulted in a continuous rise in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) not only from Daw Hpum Yang but also from the Num Lang and Nawng Ing IDP camps. These individuals are in urgent need of food and medical assistance on a daily basis.

There exists not only a pressing requirement for vaccines for newborns but also an urgent demand for medical support for pregnant women, the chronically ill elderly, and an insufficient supply of medications for the prevalent issue of malaria.

According to Num Lang evacuee, “The number of individuals afflicted by Malaria has increased recently. Despite the presence of a clinic, there remains a significant shortage of medications. Consequently, we are compelled to travel to the hospital in Laiza for medical care, which poses considerable challenges, particularly for the elderly and pregnant women.”

On March 7th, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) launched a simultaneous offensive against multiple military camps of the SAC located in Momauk Township and Waingmaw Township along the Myitkyina-Bhamo highway. As a result of this offensive, the SAC's 142nd Infantry Battalion camp, situated in Daw Hpum Yang, surrendered to KIA forces on March 8th. Since that period, the majority of the inhabitants of Daw Hpum Yang have been relocating to nearby areas, including Num Lang and Nawng Ing.

It is important to highlight that the evacuation period has lasted nearly seven months, creating an urgent need for essential food and medical assistance for the evacuees mentioned above. Currently, the total number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) stands at almost ten thousand.


Pajau Media

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