Pajau Media
16th September, 2024

As reported by the local residents, the concerns of the locals have arisen due to the significant preparations of the SAC and joint militia forces to station in the neighborhoods of the villages and wards from Myitkyina Township and Waingmaw Township, Kachin State.
It is said that the SAC forces and militia joint forces are preparing to deploy and settle at Praying Mountain which is situated in the village of Lamyang in Waingmaw Township.
In addition, it is known that the 58th Infantry Battalion, which is the only military camp left in the Waingmaw area, and the militia forces stationed in Wuyang village have expanded their military forces and are preparing to deploy at the Praying Mountain.
According to the local residents, the SAC forces have been operating their military activities since the internet was cut off. Additionally, it is also said that the SAC forces have been expanding and deploying their forces since September 11th.
The columns of SAC forces were also intercepted by the KIA joint forces, therefore, the military situation between the two armed-forces was tense and clashes often occurred in the area. Moreover, the militia forces stationed at Wuyang village blocked the road and occasionally interrogated the pedestrians.
Similarly, on September 11th, nearly 30 SAC personnels entered the village of Nawng Nang in column which is located ten miles away from Myitkyina Town.
It is further known that the column that entered the village of Nawng Nang was the column that came down from the upper part of Myitsone.
Moreover, it is also reported that the SAC joint forces are preparing to settle in the areas where people live and patrolling around the areas, after the phone signals and internet cut off in Kachin State.