Pajau Media Channel
26th August, 2024

As reported by the local residents, the cattle from the Lung Sha Yang village, Putao district, Kachin State died at least 5 in a day due to the unidentified skin disease which is speedy spreading.
The locals said that the cattle from the Lung Sha Yang area are suffering the sensitive skin disease and they haven’t identified the type of the disease yet.
The disease has spread by one cattle to the rests, therefore, almost all of the cattle in the village are suffering the skin disease and the death rate of the cattle at present are increasing.

Therefore, the relevant officials from the village announced not to sell and eat the beef which are currently selling at the market due to the speedy spreading skin disease of the cattle in the region.
It is known that as the rate of the skin disease spreading in the cattle at high, the locals are afraid of the transformed of the disease and they concern that the disease to spread and infect in humans’ bodies.