Pajau Media
15th February, 2025

A driver reported that the vehicles operating on the Myitkyina-Putao highway are presently transporting only goods and not any passengers.
“At present, the majority of buses are operating without any passengers. In instances where passengers are present, they must exercise extreme caution at the checkpoints. At the Sumpiyang checkpoint, the SAC is compelling individuals to turn around rather than allowing them to proceed. Meanwhile, at the KIA checkpoints, there is an active recruitment of young individuals. Consequently, middle-aged passengers are currently not being transported, with only elderly individuals making the journey,” as stated by a driver operating the Myitkyina-Putao route.
In the aftermath of confrontations between the two military factions near Wai Shi village, situated above Myitsone, during the second week of February, security measures at checkpoints on both sides of the Myitkyina-Putao highway have been intensified, resulting in increased interrogating and travel limitations.
Since that time, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of individuals traversing the road, with only sporadic appearances of elderly travelers. Additionally, rigorous inspections have been implemented at checkpoints by both armed forces stationed along the highway.
The SAC has increased its patrols in Putao town and is reportedly recommencing military operations in villages including Sumpiyang, Lungsha Yang, and Tang Ja along the Putao-Myitkyina-Putao highway.