Pajau Media
6th December, 2024

The conflict to seize Bhamo town in Kachin State commenced on December 4th, involving the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), and remains fierce as of December 6th. While a number of individuals have successfully fled, the majority continue to be confined within the town. Additionally, it has been reported that social relief organizations are attempting to evacuate under white flags; however, the State Administration Council (SAC) is obstructing their efforts.
When the armed conflicts commenced, a limited number of individuals managed to flee via the waterway, while the majority of residents stayed in Bhamo. The SAC forces have obstructed all access points to Bhamo, including the waterway. Furthermore, the SAC is making preparations to fortify their defenses by establishing positions in the city's high-rise buildings.

The observers have theorized that the SAC's complete blockade of the city's entrances and exits suggests that they are employing civilians as human shields amid the conflict. Additionally, it has been reported that those trapped are encouraging one another to escape whenever possible.
During the conflict, the SAC persisted in conducting aerial bombardments and deploying heavy artillery, which led to civilian casualties. The precise number of casualties in Bhamo remains uncertain due to disrupted phone signals; however, local media sources suggest that over 10 residents have lost their lives.