Pajau Media Channel
10th July, 2024
On July 10th, the Myitkyina Township Municipal Association commenced a cleanup operation to address the accumulated waste resulting from the river flooding that occurred earlier in July.
A local resident residing near the garbage dump on WaBaw Street in SiTaPru Ward expressed their appreciation for the cleanup efforts, highlighting the challenges faced by the community due to the excessive garbage and unpleasant odors, especially during the ongoing rainy season. The resident emphasized the positive impact of the municipal association’s intervention in collecting the waste.
It is noteworthy that WaBaw Street (Japan Bridge Street) has been identified as a location prone to both waste accumulation and flooding.
Furthermore, flooding has commenced in low-lying regions of Myitkyina since June 29. Although the water levels have receded as of July 3, according to local residents, the cleanup process remains incomplete.