Pajau Media Channel
6th August, 2024

As mentioned by an official from bus ticket selling agency, the Myitkyina-Mandalay Pyidaungsu highway tends to be closed indefinitely from this following August 8th.
“It is believed that Myitkyina-Mandalay highway is going to close this following August 8th. So, some of the bus agencies from the Myitkyina Bus Station moved to Mandalay. I think there will be armed-conflict in Myitkyina,” he said.
The locals said that the highway is prepared to close by the SAC and the motive behind the following road closure is still unclear. However, the locals speculated that it would be due to the unstable political situation.
Even though the goods from Mandalay were imported to Myitkyina in the past, at present the goods bring in from Kanpaikti said to be imported to Mandalay through Myitkyina.
In addition, the goods which are imported from the China border Kanpaikti can only be imported by the directive under the SAC and the cargo trucks beyond the SAC’s direct are interrogated and arrested.
The Myitkyina-Mandalay highway has closed due to unstable military situation and has reopened when it was stable. However, as said by a car driver the road is frequently closed even though there isn’t any armed-conflict.