Pajau Media Channel
5th September, 2024

It is reported that murder, theft and robbery incidents frequently occur in Myitkyina region after the military coup in Myanmar.
As stated by the local residents, the Nam Jim village, the ring road which the locals rarely pass in Chyarapati Ward and the thoroughfare from Chyarapati to Manghkring are the areas which the murder, theft and robbery occur frequently and the locals are reported to avoid passing through those paths.
According to a local resident from Na Yang village, “A dead body of one female was abandoned at the bushes near the ring road of Na Yang village. Children from the neighborhoods found her dead body in this week. She was not from our village and there is no clue regarding the identity of the dead person. The whole body was decaying when we found. The Social Relief Association took the dead body on Monday.”
It is also known that the thoroughfare from Chyarapati to Manghkring ward is the path which is rarely pass by the pedestrians and the Casino is reported to be situated in the area. Therefore, the motorbikes and purses or wallets robbery incidents often occur in the area.
Moreover, as there are no authorities who take action against the incidents mentioned above in the region, the pedestrian locals’ security concerns have arisen during these days. Therefore, the elders give advice not to travel alone in the nigh time in the aforementioned areas.