Pajau Media
25th December, 2024

The conflict in Bhamo, which commenced on December 4, continues to persist, with airstrikes conducted by the SAC resulting in destruction of residences and injuries among the local population.
On December 22, a significant artillery shell launched by the SAC detonated in the Nyaungpin region of Bhamo, resulting in injuries among the local population, and it remains challenging to determine the precise circumstances.
As the conflict escalated, the majority of Bhamo's residents were evacuated to secure locations, leaving a small group stranded within the city. This situation led to a rising toll of injuries and fatalities due to artillery bombardments.
Local reports indicate that hostilities in Bhamo have persisted since December 4. The State Administration Council (SAC) is vigorously countering with aerial bombardments and heavy artillery, leading to the incineration and devastation of homes belonging to local residents in Bhamo.