Pajau Media Channel
9th September, 2024

It is stated that, nearly 800 IDPs from the Hpung Ngai Yang IDP camp which is located in the Putao region are urgently in need of foods.
The local residents from the Hpung Ngai Yang village mostly do farming and agribusiness for their living. However, they have been evacuated to safety due to the intensified armed-conflict during these years. Therefore, as they couldn’t do farming, the essential food supplies which help them to survive for their living are reported to be scarce at the present.
The evacuees have been evacuated from their home town since May. In addition, even thought some Social Relief Associations supported them the essential supplies and basic food items such as rice, salt and cooking oil, the households which have numerous family members are still facing insufficient food and other essential supplies.
Despite the fact that they are relying solely on the Social Relief Associations, due to the phone signals and the internet cut off, and the intensified armed-conflict in the region, any Social Relief Associations couldn’t assist them. As a result, they are in dire need of food supplies at the present.
It is known that the Hpung Ngai Yang IDP camp is the camp which 226 households and nearly 800 evacuees from Sum Pi Yang village, Wa Dat village and In Si Yang villageazazza currently residing.