Pajau Media Channel

In the next 5 years, there is a possibility that the tributaries and the forest might be destroyed by heavy mining of gold with large excavator in Putao Township said the locals who are worried about the nature environment of Puta-O.
After the covid-19 period comes extreme political change and due to the political instability, gold entrepreneurs have increased day by day, and now gold mining activities are taking place in not only along the Malikha River, but also in other streams and lakes.
“Along the Malikha River, it is already full of excavators. Everything was cleared along the Hti Kha Stream within one year. Nothing is left now” said a local from Putao.
The gold miners along the Malikha River, streams and lakes utilize big machine and excavators to mine gold. And it is said that there are more than 50 gold rafts mining gold in Putao Township.
The areas where gold mining is being carried out are in the east of Malikha River and multiple streams such as Hkrang Hka, Jahti Hka, Shaning Hka, Nhtan Hka and in the west of Malikha River – Hpung Ing Hka, Hpung Chyan Hka, Zanan Hka, Nbu Hka and Lai Lum Hka said the locals.
Due to the fact that heavy mining of golds with big machine more than usual along those aforementioned river and streams has become difficult for the locals to use potable water. Because it damages waterways, it turns water from the river into muddy water and it destructs natural resources.
The gold miners and gold industries have been working extensively day by day in Putao Township, since the conflict between the armed groups and Military Council has seemed to be ceased in the region said the locals.
News - Mali Hku