Pajau Media Channel
14th June, 2024

According to reports, in the KIO controlled region, schools managed by the KIO Education Department are organizing a re-examination for students who did not pass the matriculation exam for the 2023-2024 school year. The original exam took place from June 5th to the 12th and the retake is now being arranged.
In addition, out of the total number of (3,126) students who failed the grade 10th matriculation exam in this academic year, the number of students who retake the exam was (1,233).
The KIO education department aims to offer grade 10 students a chance to retake the matriculation exam, with plans to gradually introduce 11th and 12th grades in the upcoming academic years. Furthermore, adjustments to the curriculum in KIO schools are anticipated. This year marks the final opportunity for grade 10 students to retake the exam.
It is also stated that the result list of the grade 10th examination will be released in coming July and the students who pass the exam will be officially included in the result list of the 2023-2024 academic year.
The 2023-2024 academic year’s grade 10th matriculation exam list under the KIO Education Department was released on May 1st, and out of a total of (3,126) students who took the exam, (1,893) students passed the exam and (1,233) students failed the exam.