Pajau Media Channel
19th August, 2024

Starting from the very first week of August, extreme gold mining on the islet located between the river area of Shatapru quarter, Myitkyina town and Maingna quarter, Waingmaw town, Kachin State, was reported.
On the aforementioned islet, gold mining was starting to take place after the flood and the SAC’s officials launched a no-gold-mining operation, capturing gold miners resulted in no gold mining in the area but starting from this August, extreme gold mining is once again booming in the area.
According to the locals, when the officials launched arrests upon those gold miners, there were very few people mining gold but when the mining once again taking place in the area, the population of those who find gold in the area was doubled because of the escalation of the current gold prices which they could cover the costs of expenses on a daily basis.
Populations of 60 gold miners are mining gold with small water pump generators and with hands everyday on that islet but not with heavy excavators yet.
After the 2021 coup, gold mining with heavy excavators are booming across Kachin State as well as extreme gold mining with heavy excavators in the Myitsone area and along the Ayeyarwaddy riverbank resulted in occurrence of various shallows in the river, mudded the river and changes the river path.
Therefore, locals are concerning that extreme gold mining with excavations would take place on the islet in the future aside from the fact that gold mining is currently operating with hands and rafts.