Pajau Media Channel

According to a teacher of the IDPs Camp, the students of Mung Lai Hkyet refugee camp near Laiza town, where a large and powerful military weapon exploded, are currently being separately teaching in turn in the IDPs Camp school of the Wai Kyai refugee camp.
However, since last October 9, almost all elementary and high schools in the central headquarters have been closed due to the frequent firing of military weapons by the military in Laiza.
A teacher who taught at the school said that the schools that had been closed since then could be reopened after a month in November due to the calm of the military situation.
"I don't know for sure how politics will come back. Staying alert all the time. Depending on the situation, schools have been reopening for about a week. We are opening and teaching only for this year's academic year so that the children can complete it." He said.
Therefore, starting from November 20th, the Wai Kyai IDP School was able to re-open and teach from the sixth to the tenth grade. Even for primary school students, it is still not open.
In addition, they continued to tell that they are working to open for elementary school students around the beginning of December. Mung Lai Hkyet refugee camp is an area with a population of over six hundred people. Currently, there are 145 students who have come and studied at Wai Kyai IDP School.
More than 600 residents of Nam San Yang and Lajayan villages came together after the 2011 armed conflicts and the 2021 military coup. The area is where nearly 30 people including women and children were killed on the night of October 9th, due to the explosion of a military weapon.