Pajau Media
30th December, 2024

It has been reported that following a change in command at the Putao-based Infantry Battalion (46th Infantry Division), all internet shops were closed for a period of three days, from December 24, 2024, to December 26, 2024, and subsequently reopened on December 27, 2024.
“A senior official's visit was announced, prompting an order for all internet shops to cease operations for three days. In reality, a change in the strategic leadership of the SAC had taken place. Upon the arrival of the new strategic leader, a meeting was convened with all religious leaders and traditional and cultural elders from the township at 4:00 PM on December 26, 2024, during which an introduction ceremony was conducted. Attendees were invited to share any reports or concerns they might have,” as said by one participant of the ceremony.
Conversely, on the same day that the strategic commander based in Putao was replaced, reports indicated that the sounds of heavy weaponry were audible for two consecutive days in the vicinity of Sumpi Yang Village along the Putao-Myitkyina road.
The sounds of conflict have reportedly caused panic and anxiety among residents of nearby villages.